May 31, 2011


从古晋回来后,很多人都说我变圆了~真糟糕T.T 是时候减肥了=p 刚才吃完晚饭,就和一家人去祖父家的果园走走~走着走着我弟弟就讲要去爬山。其实只是小山丘啦(我以前有爬过)XD 真的很佩服我祖父母,以前背着水果和可可在这个山丘到处走~厉害!还没上去前,我弟弟就拿了一根树枝,我爸也拿了一条木棍,其实只是拿玩玩^^我们在那里大概逗留了20分钟的时间~感觉不错^^谁要来试可以跟我讲 XD 我妈还叫我每天来这里走来回5次,去爬Gunung Santubong就没有问题。晕=.= 我有拍了几张照片~(烂手机) 哈哈




(p/s: 我妈和弟下山时不小心被红蚂蚁叮到~不过还好没事^^)

May 30, 2011


I still prefer to write English..haha.. Well, as usual, today i went to shop with family early in the morning..this few days the business quite good because Gawai is around the corner =) in the afternoon, i felt shock when my dad told us that someone said him sakai! walao== The story is, that person put a new LCD tv in my shop, then my dad feel interested with it so he looked at it..Then the person said him sakai.. My dad so funny, he told us, 32 inches tv only~ our plasma tv much more bigger than his tv..and not using unknown brand=p Really cute~ haha

Today want to introduce a new book to you all.. written by Nick Vujicic.. I guess you all sure know who he is^^ But i bought the chinese version 《人生不设限》 in Kuching.. Nice book! He shared his story and motivate a lot of people in this world~ 
他为上帝做了很多见证=) 值得一看。

My family have a new member again! =D tupperware 500ml in yellow colour.. haha.. we have it because a student gave to my mum during teachers' day =)
hope next time can buy a cherish colour one^^ 

My story ends here~ goodnight : )

May 29, 2011



我看我先写到这儿吧^^不多说了~晚安 : )